Monday, November 19, 2012

Conversation starters

     Life could be so much easier if we could meet people on the fly, and some social lovers have no problem doing just that. I, like many, have a problem coming up with funny and engaging topics so I sometimes keep a cheat sheet of conversation starters handy for rough times. So next time you are stuck trying to talk to that cute chick at the party and run out of interesting things to talk about try one of mine!

  • Things you have done while drunk. Some of us could go for days on this subject. Have you ever gotten lost on your way home from the bar and had to call someone for directions to your own home?
  • Your favorite/most hated reality show. We all have a favorite and a most hated, from the Real World to American Idol and everyone seems to have an opinion one way or the other.
  • Belief of ghosts or aliens. You can potentially get some weird answers here. Been probed lately?
  • Pranks. Have you ever had a funny prank played on you? How about one you've played on someone? Don't be afraid to bring back those memories from summer camp!
  • Your favorite cuss word. Many people cuss, and discussing one's favorite uses of their beloved cuss words can lighten the mood. If people don't cuss then they will usually have words they use instead which can be interesting as well.
  • Pets. Pet lovers will always have something to talk about and those that don't like pets can yap about their hate for the furry little ingrates.
  • Make shit up! Examples: "If you were on a deserted island, name one thing you couldn't do without", "If you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?"etc...The odder the question, the better the answers will be.
  • Pet Peeves. Everybody has one, what's yours?
  • Birthdays! Something we all have, right? Well, questions like what did you do on your last b-day?, where did you go & with whom did you spend it with? can get some wonderful conversation starters and some unexpected answers, too!
     These are just a few I had in mind to see if I could get conversation going here. What are the oddest things you use to start conversations?

1 comment:

  1. Just talk about her work or her friends that always seem to work for me.
